Facelift surgery (Rhytidectomy)

Cost range
  • USA
    $5 000 - $33 000
  • Mexico
    $3 000 - $10 000
  • Poland
    $3 000 - $8 000
  • Turkey
    $3 000 - $11 000
  • View all
Fast facts
  • General anesthesia;
  • Surgery time: 2-6 hours;
  • 10 - 14 days downtime;
  • Rehabilitation - 30 days;
What is Facelift Surgery?

Facelift surgery, medically known as rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic procedure designed to address signs of aging in the face and neck. The term ""rhytidectomy"" comes from the Greek words ""rhytis,"" meaning wrinkle, and ""ektome,"" meaning excision or removal. The primary goal of facelift surgery is to reduce the visible effects of aging by lifting and tightening the facial soft tissues and removing excess ski, fat deposits in the neck.

During a facelift, the surgeon typically makes incisions around the ears and sometimes along the hairline. The exact technique may vary based on the individual's needs and the surgeon's approach. The surgeon then lifts and repositions the underlying facial muscles and tissues, removes excess skin, and may also address fat deposits. This process results in a smoother, firmer appearance, reducing sagging and wrinkles.

Despite its substantial cost and a recovery period of up to two weeks or more, it remains a highly sought-after plastic surgery procedure.

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What benefits do Facelift Surgery offer?
  • Improved Facial Contours;
  • Minimized Wrinkles and Lines;
  • Balanced Facial Proportions;
  • Long-lasting Facial Rejuvenation;
  • Improved Skin Elasticity.
Success rate

80% to 90% or higher.
It's crucial to recognize that the success of facelift surgery is subjective, varying based on individual expectations and experiences. Factors like the surgeon's expertise, the patient's health, and postoperative care play pivotal roles in determining the overall outcome.

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What are the advantages of Facelift Surgery?

Rejuvenated Look: Facelift surgery rejuvenates the appearance by lifting, firming, and tightening facial tissues. It eliminates excess skin, smoothens deep folds, and recontours the face.
Aging Signs Correction: A facelift effectively addresses sagging skin caused by the loss of elasticity, especially around the cheeks, nose, and mouth. It smoothens deep laugh lines, restores facial volume, diminishes the appearance of jowls in the cheek and jaw, and tightens loose skin in the neck area.
Lasting Results: Facelifts typically provide long-lasting results, contributing to a sustained improvement in the overall facial appearance.
Customization: Surgeons tailor facelift procedures to individual needs, allowing for a personalized approach to address specific aging concerns.
Combined Procedures: Facelifts can be combined with other cosmetic procedures to achieve a comprehensive facial rejuvenation, addressing multiple aspects of aging simultaneously.

What are the disadvantages of Facelift Surgery?

1. Potential complications associated with facelift surgery encompass bleeding, infection, scarring, poor wound healing, hematoma, and the rare occurrence of facial nerve injury leading to muscle weakness or paralysis. Asymmetries, deformities, or less-than-expected outcomes are also conceivable.
2. It's important to note that a facelift doesn't address issues like fine lines, sun damage, or volume loss. To tackle these concerns, supplementary treatments such as laser resurfacing, dermal fillers, or fat grafting may be recommended by a board-certified facial plastic surgeon in Seattle.
3. Facelift surgery specifically targets facial aging concerns such as sagging skin and wrinkles but excludes procedures for the eyelids or brow. Additional enhancements like brow lifts or eyelid surgery can be performed at an extra cost.
4. Recovery from facelift surgery typically requires a minimum of two weeks of downtime. Additionally, it's worth noting that facelifts are a cosmetic procedure and are not covered by insurance, contributing to their overall cost.

How Successful Facelift Surgery?

80% to 90% or higher.
It's crucial to recognize that the success of facelift surgery is subjective, varying based on individual expectations and experiences. Factors like the surgeon's expertise, the patient's health, and postoperative care play pivotal roles in determining the overall outcome.

Can anyone get Facelift Surgery?

The decision to have a facelift depends on various factors, including an individual's health condition, age, and specific goals.
Facelift surgery is typically recommended for individuals in their 40s to 60s, but it can be considered for those as young as their 30s or well into their 80s if they have visible signs of aging. Ideal candidates show signs of aging, such as sagging skin, jowls, and facial laxity.
Nonsmokers in good overall health with realistic expectations tend to be more suitable. A thorough discussion with a qualified surgeon, considering medical history and individual circumstances, is crucial to determine eligibility for facelift surgery.

How should you prepare for a Facelift Surgery?

1. Medical Evaluation: Undergo lab testing or a medical evaluation to ensure good health before the surgery.
2. Medication Adjustment: Make necessary adjustments to your medications as advised by your healthcare provider.
3. Skin Care: Follow preoperative skincare recommendations, which may include applying specific products to the facial skin.
4. Lifestyle Changes: Cease smoking and alcohol to promote optimal healing and recovery.
5. Avoid Certain Substances: Refrain from taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements to minimize the risk of bleeding and bruising.
6. Blood Tests: Some surgeons may require pre-operative blood tests to ensure you are in good health for the surgery.
7. Arrange Transportation: Plan for someone to drive you to and from the surgery, as well as to stay with you during the initial recovery period.
8. Prepare Your Home: Make your home recovery-friendly by organizing essential items e.g. cold compresses (crushed ice in a bag, a soft ice pack)), such as comfortable clothing, pillows, and any necessary medical supplies.

Remember, these steps are general guidelines, and your surgeon will provide personalized instructions based on your unique health and situation. Always follow the guidance of your healthcare provider for the most accurate and relevant preparation for your facelift surgery.

How painful is Facelift Surgery?

During facelift surgery, you won't feel any discomfort due to anesthesia. Afterward, manage initial discomfort with prescribed pain medication for 2-4 days.
Expect swelling, bruising, and tenderness for the first two weeks, peaking between 48 and 72 hours.
Avoid bending over or heavy lifting for two weeks to minimize excessive swelling. Use cold compresses like crushed ice or a soft ice pack for 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off during the initial 48 hours to reduce swelling and bruising.

How long does it take to get Facelift Surgery?

A facelift surgery generally takes between 2 to 6 hours.

How long will your Facelift Surgery results last?

After undergoing a facelift, you can enjoy a rejuvenated, more youthful appearance for at least 10 years.
However, it's essential to recognize that the natural aging process will persist, and some signs of aging may gradually reappear over time.It’s important to note that continuing daily sun protection and maintaining a healthy lifestyle will help extend the results of your facelift. However, a facelift does not halt the aging process, and over time, signs of aging will gradually appear

What are the risks and side effects of Facelift Surgery?

1. Anesthesia-related risks
2. Bleeding
3. Complications affecting the heart and lungs
4. Facial nerve injury with weakness
5. Fluid accumulation
6. Infection
7. Changes in skin sensation
8. Persistent pain
9. Poor wound healing and skin loss
10. Prolonged swelling
11. Skin irregularities
12. Visible sutures
13. Temporary or permanent hair loss
14. Unfavorable scarring
15. Unsatisfactory results (asymmetry or visible deformities)

It is essential to discuss these potential risks and complications thoroughly with your healthcare provider before deciding to undergo a facelift.

Are there alternatives to Facelift Surgery?

These less invasive alternatives to a facelift may not deliver results equivalent to a surgical lift, but they can be suitable for those not ready for surgery:

Fillers: Hyaluronic acid (e.g., Juvederm) and biostimulatory fillers (e.g., Sculptra) offer immediate lifting and volumetric support.
Thermage: A non-invasive treatment using radiofrequency technology to remodel collagen, resulting in smoother, tighter skin.
Ultherapy: Utilizes ultrasound energy to stimulate collagen production, achieving a lifted, firmer appearance.
Thread Lifts: A minimally invasive procedure involving dissolvable threads for lifting and tightening sagging areas.
Mini Surgery Procedures: Less invasive than a full facelift, these may include volume restoration and skin resurfacing. A Vampire Facelift combines platelet-rich plasma (PRP) with hyaluronic acid–based fillers for effects lasting up to a year, depending on the filler used.

How long does it take to recover?

Facelift recovery is most challenging during the first 7–10 days.
Initial discomfort includes swelling, stiffness, and soreness, which can be heightened if additional procedures are undertaken. A soft-food diet and avoiding the use of straws are recommended for the first few days. A firm cushion is advised to elevate the head and relieve pressure on the ears.
Itchiness, swelling, and tightness are normal and diminish within the first few weeks.

Day-by-day timeline:
Day 2: Follow-up appointment, dressing removal, and evaluation of incisions.
Day 3–4: Maximum bruising and swelling; take prescribed pain medication.
Day 3–5: Another follow-up appointment, removal of remaining bandages, care instructions for incisions.
Day 7: Removal of stitches and sutures; light activities allowed; some patients may return to work.
Day 14: Look ""restaurant ready""; side sleeping permitted.
Day 30: Resumption of regular exercise routine.
Month 3–4: Sun avoidance and application of sunscreen recommended.

Minor swelling, bruising, tightness, and numbness may be observed for up to a year, but these are typically subtle and often go unnoticed by others.

When is it safe to fly after Facelift Surgery?

Patients traveling from out of town for facelifts typically can depart six to eight days after surgery, though the exact timing depends on individual factors and the specific procedure. It's advisable to discuss all aspects with your healthcare provider. Note that long-distance travel may heighten the risk of blood clots in certain individuals.

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